Lila is Now AKC Pointed
Post date: May 31, 2019 1:19:03 AM
Lila (GCH Catawba's Power Play CD RE RATCH IPO1 "Ricky Bobby" X Treasure Seeker's Absolute Gem CD IPO1 "Abby") earned her first AKC conformation show point at the Moore County Kennel Club show held at the Pinehurst Harness Track in Pinehurst, NC on May 4, 2019. Handled beautifully by Gina Currier, she is now on her way to her AKC championship. Lila also earned her WAE designation at the UDC National Specialty show held in Atwater, OH on May 17, 2019. Her official name is now Treasure Seeker's Cherished Gem, WAC.