Current Title and Health Information for Morgana's Irresistible Treasure


BH - 2/26/2011 - Raleigh Schutzhund Association - Judge: Randall Hoadley

IPO1 - 12/10/2011 - 85-70-85a Working Dobermans of the Carolinas - Judge: Hartmutt Beckmann

TR2 - 04/14/2013 - 86 - Raleigh Schutzhund Association - Judge: Kristiaan DeSweemer

IPO2 - 10/12/2013 - 78-90-71vh - Working Reisenschnauzer Federation - Judge: Clemente Grosso

IPO3 - 10/26/2013 - 79-90-85a - Working Dobermans of the Carolinas - Judge: Kristiaan DeSweemer

IPO3 - 04/05/2014 - 91-88-92a - Raleigh Schutzhund Association - Judge: Carla Griffith

IPO3 - 04/18/2015 - 97-74-85a - United Doberman Club National IPO Trial - Judge: Carla Griffith

Breed Survey Advanced - 04/16/2015 - (BSA-VG2a) - United Doberman Club National - Judge: Ray Carlisle

HPAA (High Point All Around) - 04/18/2015 - United Doberman Club National Specialty

AKC CD - 11/16/2013

Conformation -  Penny has earned 2 of 3 required Challenge Certificates toward her United Doberman Club conformation championship.


Potential purchasers should become educated about the genetic disorders that are most common in the Doberman.  Responsible breeders will strenuously test their breeding stock.  Some tests, once performed, are considered good for the life of the dog.  For the Doberman, these one time tests are hip/elbows, eyes, VWD, PDK4, RD, and other genetic screenings.  Other tests should be repeated annually or prior to each breeding.  For the Doberman, the tests that should be repeated annually include complete thyroid panel, echo, and 24-hour Holter monitor (EKG). View OFA recorded results.