Our Current Dogs
At 7.5 years old, mama dog Pearl still loves to work. She is shown below helping to teach our up and coming club helpers.
Treasure Seeker's Cherished Gem, BH, WAC
(Lila - Female - DOB: 7/23/2016)
OFA CHIC #142013 OFA Certified Health Records
Dobequest Record: http://dobequest.org/profile.php?DOGID=57927
UDC CH Treasure Seeker's Diamond Lil, BH-VT, FPR2, UPR1, CGC
(Lily - Female - DOB: 1/9/2021)
Dobequest Record: http://dobequest.org/profile.php?DOGID=69782
OFA Record: https://ofa.org/advanced-search/?appnum=2397229
"Lily" Treasure Seeker's Diamond Lil, BH
Judge: Arthur Collins, USCA
UDC CH Treasure Seeker's Forged in Fire, BH-VT, WAC, CGC
(Grayson - Male - DOB: 6/29/2021)
Dobequest Record: https://dobequest.org/profile.php?DOGID=70257
OFA Record: https://ofa.org/advanced-search/?appnum=2397231
Grayson at 5 months.
Grayson at 10 months. Best Opposite Puppy, 2022 UDC National Specialty. Estelle Corr, Judge. Handled by Jacque Matson.
Grayson on the training field at 10 months. Handled by John Soares due to my injured knee!
Grayson counters the threat from helper Justin Emery. 16 months old.
Grayson engages on a short "long bite". 16 months.
Grayson learns the grip and fight with Justin Emery. 16 months.
Grayson in the courage test, earning his IGP1 at the Raleigh Schutzhund Association (USCA) club trial December 7, 2024. Judge: Dr. Michael Caputo (USCA)
Grayson wins Winners Dog and Best of Opposite Sex at the Old North State Dobermans Carolina Summer Shows, June 8, 2024. Judge: Liisa Minna Koltes (AKC).